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Teachmeet MEA & EMC

March 2013 Notes from Teachmeet presentation: Making Messy Digital Norms Title is as a kind of provocation in response to how media production activities tend to cleave towards discourses on creativity and newness, there’s this sheen of innovation and progress,

Teachmeet MEA & EMC

March 2013 Notes from Teachmeet presentation: Making Messy Digital Norms Title is as a kind of provocation in response to how media production activities tend to cleave towards discourses on creativity and newness, there’s this sheen of innovation and progress,

Culture Capital Exchange Inside Out Festival 25 Oct 2012

I did a presentation with Chris Waugh and some boys from the London Nautical School in the Studio of the BFI on aspects of the Cent Ans de Jeunesse project (as per prompt cards below). Apart from the dozen participant

Culture Capital Exchange Inside Out Festival 25 Oct 2012

I did a presentation with Chris Waugh and some boys from the London Nautical School in the Studio of the BFI on aspects of the Cent Ans de Jeunesse project (as per prompt cards below). Apart from the dozen participant


This rather simplistic table comes as a result of reading Crawford and Sennett and my own socio-cultural observations regarding media production in schools. I think laying out these polarities is helping to shape my thinking and to locate where my


This rather simplistic table comes as a result of reading Crawford and Sennett and my own socio-cultural observations regarding media production in schools. I think laying out these polarities is helping to shape my thinking and to locate where my